EGT Express вводит новые регулярные рейсы из Чехии в Казахстан, и в Китай.
Выберите наиболее эффективный способ перевозки из нашего широкого спектра услуг по азиатским направлениям.
Из нашей штаб-квартиры в самом сердце Европы мы предлагаем нашим клиентам самые эффективные транспортные решения.
.Мы обеспечиваем регулярные связи с Ближним Востоком. Проверьте наши варианты.
пробега в км
доставленых паллет
довольных клиентов
тон доставленного груза
As one of Ingersoll Rands preferred suppliers, EGT have proved to be dynamic and reliable.
Customer satisfaction is built on a Quality service, Contract commitment and communication, this is why Ingersoll Rand choose EGT.
Gwen Cole
Logistics Transport Operations Manager EMEA
EGT is one of main logistics providers chosen by IKO Group.
Based on practice collected during years we can definitely recommend EGT as a reliable and professional business partner which can provide trustful and dynamic cooperation, high quality service, flexibility, contract commitment and on time communication. We choose EGT based on the above.
Vahe Hakobyan, Director of Logistics
Armenia / Belarus / Uzbekistan / Kyrgyzstan / Tajikistan
In the field of logistics, EGT Express is for IMCoPharma a synonym of quality services, reliability, professionalism and fast operational reactions to the changes and to our requirements.
Based on these qualities, combined with several years of cooperation, EGT has become one of our main logistics partners for delivering our products to the CIS destinations.
Ing. Andrea Szeligová
Supply chain Director
IMCoPharma a.s.
We have been using EGT Express since 2011 for a transport to our automotive customers and for a transport of materials from our automotive suppliers.
Despite the difficult conditions that the automotive industry brings, EGT Express has the best results in the evaluation of carriers in our company. We greatly appreciate our close cooperation, their flexibility and commitment.
Jan Pečenka
Head of Warehouse Operations
EGT Express вводит новые регулярные рейсы из Чехии в Казахстан, и в Китай.
Студенты Технологического училища в городе Преров посетили EGT Express.
Вчера в Украину успешно прибыли два грузовика EGT Express с гуманитарным грузом.